Monthly Archives: August 2011

Android App

I wanted to see how easy it was to set updating and blogging using your phone. I downloaded the free android app. It took about five minutes to configure. You can also add photos, etc. Here is Sophia taking a … Continue reading

Posted in Pets, Sophia, WebDesign, WordPress | Leave a comment

Win a Hog at KPIG

Elaine, D’ave, and I went to the win a Hog contest at Peter B’s Brewery in Monterey Saturday. The weather was foggy, but cleared up nicely. We had nice tables outside, and had a good lunch and drinks. Elaine had … Continue reading

Posted in Beer, Music, Travel | Leave a comment

Sade with John Legend opening.

Last night we went to the Shark Tank to see Sade. John Legend opened with his great band. He played about an hour, kind of rushing through some of his material, but still gave an entertaining show. I had seen … Continue reading

Posted in Music, Travel | Leave a comment

Nice intuitive interface.

So, the dashboard, or user editing area, is laid out intuitively. With just a little digging around you can change and add things quickly. I changed email, the title, and the custom header.

Posted in WebDesign, WordPress | Leave a comment

Here we go.

I decided to give WordPress a whirl. I want to see if this will work for building web sites for customers so they can do the editing with WordPress on their own servers.

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